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17 N. Main Street, Smyrna, DE 19977

Preventive Treatments

What Causes Gums to Bleed in Kids?
added on: October 28, 2021
young girls wearing plastic fangs

When kids’ gums start to bleed, it can be scary and worrisome, but it’s not necessarily an indication of anything serious. Most likely, it’s the result of some kind of normal childhood activity. Let’s check in with your dentist for kids in Smyrna to see some common reasons why kids’… Read More…

4 Things That Affect Your Child’s Oral Health
added on: September 17, 2021
toddler boy

It’s no secret that poor oral health can be bad news for your child’s overall health, as it can increase the risk of cavities, gum disease, and infections. This is why it’s so important to make sure your child takes good care of their teeth and gums and visits their… Read More…

Why Is It Important For Kids to See a Dentist Before School Starts?
added on: August 17, 2021
girls doing homework

When it’s time to prepare for kids to go back to school, their mouths are often the last thing on their parents’ minds. Between back-to-school clothes shopping and getting all the classroom necessities, we understand. But seeing a children’s dentist in Smyrna before returning to school can play an important… Read More…

4 Myths About Baby Teeth
added on: July 8, 2021
baby boy

Parents and caregivers have a lot to worry about as their children grow up. After all, things change and develop very quickly as infants turn into toddlers and toddlers turn into preschoolers. Dental care is another one of those things that are constantly changing and needs attention just like everything… Read More…

Do Kids Really Need to Floss?
added on: May 17, 2021
mother and child flossing

It’s not uncommon for patients to ask your children’s dentist in Smyrna; “My child brushed his teeth twice a day every day, so how can flossing actually make that big of a difference?” The truth is, flossing is a crucial part of any home oral hygiene routine and can help… Read More…

Can Allergies Harm Your Kid’s Teeth?
added on: May 12, 2021
young girl sneezing

From brushing habits to sugar intake and how often you visit your children’s dentist in Smyrna, there are a lot of things that can affect your kid’s oral health. But can allergies actually be one of those things that can harm your kid’s teeth and increase his risk for cavities? … Read More…

How Often Do Kids Need to See a Dentist?
added on: April 15, 2021
smiling toddler

It’s recommended that adults see their dentist at least twice a year for dental cleanings and checkups. But what about kids? Do they really need to go to their dentist in Smyrna every six months? The short answer is yes, but let’s dive deeper into why these bi-annual checkups are… Read More…

How To Stop A Child From Grinding Their Teeth
added on: April 7, 2021
child sleeping

When most people think about teeth grinding, they may immediately think of stressed-out adults grinding away aimlessly or throughout the night. However, it’s also possible for children to have this tooth-grinding habit. If it’s not treated, tooth grinding can lead to dental problems. So how do you help your child… Read More…

At What Age Should Your Child First See a Dentist?
added on: March 18, 2021
smiling toddler

When you’re a new parent, there are a lot of firsts that you don’t want to miss. From your baby’s first birthday to his first steps and his first word, these milestones are special to any new mom or dad. But there’s another first that should be on your mind… Read More…

How Long Does Teething Last?
added on: March 9, 2021
toddler teething

There’s nothing quite like the excitement of waiting for your child’s first tooth to erupt. But unfortunately, this excitement is also paired with a little bit of dread. After all, tooth eruption is uncomfortable and brings all of the unwanted side effects of teething, such as excessive drooling, irritability, and… Read More…

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