Smyrna Restorative Dentistry Treatments
Bringing Young Smiles Back to Life
No one likes to get cavity fillings, but, sometimes, we forget what to do to prevent them.
Do your kids floss and brush after meals? They should! All kinds of ewey, gooey stuff gets stuck on, in, and between teeth and needs to get cleaned out. If it doesn’t, teeth can develop cavities and gums can get infected.
But less-than-consistent home hygiene isn’t the only thing that can lead to tooth decay, lots of things can, including:
- Drinking mostly sugary or acidic drinks, including juices and sports drinks
- Carrying a bottle or sippy cup with milk or juice all day or sleeping with one
- Sucking and chewing on teething biscuits
- All day snacking or grazing, especially on sticky foods like raisins
- Sharing toothbrushes with someone who has a current oral infection
- Medications such as asthma inhalers (These necessary treatments contain acids that can damage teeth. Rinse with water after each use.)
- Vomiting
- Clenching and grinding
- Not keeping up with professional cleanings
- Allowing very young children to brush their own teeth
The list could go on and on, but you get the idea. If you aren’t a superhero, your child might just develop a cavity or other oral health problem or infection.
This is all pretty serious stuff when you consider how much oral health issues affect overall health, even affecting their growth. In addition, toothaches and other oral health issues can affect your child’s performance in school and be a major factor in missed school days – and missed work days for parents!
Good thing The Smile Place can fix those smiles with tooth-colored, restorative materials that are safe for your little one’s body!