Teething is perhaps one of the most difficult times for new parents. Babies get fussy and restless, and you may feel totally helpless. But at our children’s dental office in Smyrna, we have some tips you can use to relieve discomfort and pain associated with teething.
There’s a reason many teething kids will chew on their fingers or really anything within reach — the pressure from biting objects feels good on their gums. Instead of allowing your baby to bite on their fingers or worse, gnaw on anything they can get their hands on, supply them with a teething ring or toy approved to help ease teething pain. If you find yourself without a teething ring you can use your own finger to gently massage the gums and press on them with light pressure. Just make sure to wash your hands thoroughly and keep an eye out for those tiny sharp teeth.
Like other injuries or sore body parts, a teething mouth can get relief from something cold. You can pop a pacifier or a teething toy in the fridge for a few minutes to chill it out. However, don’t freeze them. Frozen teething rings or pacifiers can become too hard for your baby. Another option is to seal a wet washcloth in a baggie and toss it in the freezer for about an hour. The mix of cold and soft massaging material make it a perfect combination for painful gums to chew on. If your baby has begun eating solid foods, try freezing some fresh fruit in a mesh bag then letting your child gnaw at them.
If you’re not having much success with any other options, you may be considering an over-the-counter pain reliever. However, be careful about what you use. Topical pain relievers that contain benzocaine or lidocaine can be harmful to your child. Instead, treat pain and low-grade fevers that can come hand-in-hand with teething with a medication approved by your pediatrician.
No parent wants to see their baby uncomfortable or in pain. When it comes to teething, try the tips above to help reduce any discomfort your child is feeling until their full set of baby teeth arrive. Another thing to note: once your baby starts getting their first teeth you should start thinking about scheduling their first visit to a children’s dentist in Smyrna. In fact, we recommend kids start visiting us by their first birthday!
If it’s time for your child to see a dentist, we welcome you to schedule an appointment at our Smyrna children’s dental office.