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Tricks, Treats, and Tips For a Healthy Halloween

added on: October 18, 2021
halloween snacks

As parents everywhere are gearing up for the Halloween season, it’s only natural for our kids to be excited about all the candy they’ll get. But it may have mom and dad a bit concerned about yet another holiday loaded with sugary treats. Don’t worry, your dentist for kids in Smyrna has some tricks, treats, and tips to protect your little ones from spooky cavities. 

Candy is Ok… In Moderation

We know that all kids want to come home after a long night of trick or treating, dump their candy haul on the floor, and start chowing down on their favorite sweets. We’re not here to take that thrill away, but we do encourage you to help your child limit their candy intake. Starting on Halloween night, allow your kiddo to pick a few of their favorites to enjoy that day. In the days following, don’t let pails of candy sit out for easy picking. Instead, allow your child to pick a few pieces of candy to enjoy at a specific time of day to limit constant snacking and teeth’s constant exposure to sugar. 

Drink Water

Drinking water during and after eating sweet foods can help wash away leftover sugars that could otherwise lead to cavities. But that’s not all. Water can also help neutralize plaque acid which can further protect teeth. 

Brush Well, Brush Often

You already know how important it is for your kids to take excellent care of their teeth at home in between visits to their children’s dentist in Smyrna. During holidays like Halloween, it’s even more important. Make sure your kids are brushing their teeth at least twice a day for a full two minutes each time. Kids under 8 may need help to make sure they’re cleaning their teeth properly. It’s also important to encourage your kid to brush their teeth after they snack on anything sugary, including their Halloween candy. 

Trade In “Bad” Candy

There are some candies that are worse for teeth than others, and you may find it helpful to swap out these bad candies for something else. You can use money (a dime per piece, perhaps?), toys, or extra TV or electronics time. Consider trading in sticky, hard, or sour candy. 

See Your Kid’s Dentist in Smyrna

Cavities can be scary, but there are ways to prevent them. Sealants from your children’s dentist can help protect teeth from scary sugar bugs. Make sure your kids are visiting their dentist regularly (at least every six months) to catch any problems early and get the preventive treatment they need to grow a happy, healthy smile. 

If you’re looking for more tips on how to have a healthy Halloween, head over to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD). They have tons of holiday-specific guides to help. 

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